A Sample View
After each product build, the BuildMeister announces the changes which comprise the new version, its associated label on the main branch, and a recommended view config spec. This config spec, and other environmental variables announced in the same message, can be used to ensure that your view will see these latest changes in the product's sources.
A Sample View Config Spec Recommendation (SAMPLE ONLY--Do Not Use!):
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../<BRANCH>/LATEST
mkbranch <BRANCH>
element /vob/fx/... FX411_001N
element /vob/fx/... FX411_001M
element /vob/fx/... FX411_001
element /vob/pkgs/... FX410_REL
element /vob/utilities/... UTIL_011F
element /vob/utilities/... UTIL_011E
element /vob/utilities/... UTIL_011
element /vob/cidocs/... FX411_001N
element /vob/cidocs/... FX411_001M
element /vob/cidocs/... FX411_001
element /vob/cidocs/... /main/LATEST
element * /main/0
end mkbranch <BRANCH>