To place an order for a dulcimer, case or equipment:
- Under the menu "Buying a Bear Meadow" you can look over all models of the Standard Series or the Concert Series page.
- Find information on cases and equipment you are interested in.
- You will also find purchasing, price and warranty information.
- Please note well: commission deposits and retainer fees are non-refundable. These funds are used to buy materials for instruments, not held in escrow.
- The balance will be due about a week before the commission is completed and ready for shipment.
- Advance payments will be returned or rejected, unless mutually negotiated.
You may also apprciate the advice in the "Buyer's Guide" menu item.
To commission a dulcimer or order equipment, contact me at the Contact Us page. to discuss the dulcimer and the custom-voicing to your musical requirements (every dulcimer I make is custom-voiced for its owner), or to order equipment you need. Depending on circumstances, a deposit of 10-15%, or a $100 retainer is all that is required to establish a commission.
If adverse circumstances arise for clients, commissions can be placed on hold, re-commissioned to a less expensive instrument (at current cost). These deposits are deliberately held as small as possible, given the current waiting time. Please be sure you want a Bear Meadow Appalachian dulcimer, and are aware of the waiting time involved, before securing a commission by sending a deposit or retainer, as deposits and retainers are not refundable.
When we discuss your commission I will let you know of the number of commissions on hand and my current annual rate of completion. I spend as much time as necessary to make every dulcimer attain its musical potential. —Dwain Wilder
I guarantee the integrity and suitability of Bear Meadow Appalachian dulcimers. There are four major terms:
- Suitability: Within seven 7 days of delivery, you may return the instrument in its original carton for full purchase price on grounds that it does not suit your needs.
- If you elect to have the problem re-worked, I will reimburse return shipping to the extent of my own shipping cost, and return the reworked instrument at my cost.
- If you wish adjustments to be made that are additions or alterations of the original Commission, all shipping charges will be your cost.
- Workmanship and materials. Your Bear Meadow dulcimer is guaranteed for one year against any failure due to craft, technique, or materials.
- The problem will be repaired at my own cost, as soon as possible.
- If I find it necessary, I will build you a new instrument to the original specifications. This work will begin immediately upon that decision and will have absolute priority over other waiting commissions.
- As part of any warranty repair/replacment, you may specify additional or alternative fittings, at their current cost. Credit for existing fittings to be replaced may be given as far as possible, if they have been maintained in new condition.
- To avoid unnecessarily expensive shipping, retain the shipping carton and packing materials in which your dulcimer is sent. Any reimbursement of shipping charges will be based on the dimensions and weight of that carton and its original packing material.
- The "Suitability" clause is available only to clients who commission a dulcimer.
- Sales at festivals, in the Bear Meadow Studio, as the client has the opportunity to assess the dulcimer's quality at that time.
- Second-hand sales are not subject returns due to unsuitabilility, as there is no way to guarantee suitability of a dulcimer in unknown condition to a buyer with needs unspecified to me.
- If the instrument is received in damaged condition, a claim will be filed with the shipper. The client is responsible for aiding the claim by documenting the instrument's original received condition with photographs of the damage and the shipping carton's condition.
- If the top soundboard develops a crack, the owner bears responsibility unless due to a hidden flaw in the wood. Never pick a dulcimer up in a way that squeezes, compresses or mars the top!
- In the event of shipping damage, the instrument will be repaired, replaced or cost fully refunded, as arranged in collaboration with the client.
- Purchases from other persons or brokers are not warranteed, though the need for repairs will be duly and fairly considered.
Please Note! Problems that arise outside the warranty will be dealt with leniently, especially if they are obvious to my judgement to be late evidence of faulty workmanship or materials. My aim is that everyone be thrilled to own a Bear Meadow Appalachian dulcimer!